Saturday, October 17, 2009

Week 6: Visual Literacy

We continued working on and discussing visual literacy in class this week. One of our largest grades in this class is for our visual literacy project. For the project we are given an image and must alter it using Photoshop using all sorts of tools and techniques. I think the project really taught me a lot and made me much more comfortable using Photoshop. I've learned that even if I don't know how to do something in the program, there are so many tutorials online that you can figure out how to do anything. Photoshop really is a valuable resource and something that I would like to continue learning about in the future.

As a journalism student Photoshop is one of the most important computer programs to master. I was the editor-in-chief of my school newspaper in high school. I used Photoshop almost everyday to fix images for print. Even so, I still did not know much more than the tip of the iceberg for what the program is capable of. An image that is stretched, not modified for brightness and contrast, and not cropped can ruin a newspaper. It is important to remember however that you have to be careful when altering photos not to change them too much from their original state to alter their meaning.

Here is a really cool video that shows the capabilities of Photoshop and makes you think twice every time you salivate at a bathing suit model in a magazine ad

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